SEMRush Review: Is It Worth It For Bloggers?


What Exactly is SEMRush?

SEMRush offers way more than just an SEO platform. It also provides incomparable SEO tools that help you develop your blog traffic with organic search, paid ads, and even social media.

SEMRush Can Increase Traffic

The SEO writing assistant plugin has made such a significant difference on my blog that it alone is reason enough to invest in the platform.





Optimize Your Content That Is Already Working

SEMRush can integrate with Google Analytics. And this means you get a lot of data on what content is working so that you can make it even better.

Make More Money With Affiliates & Advertising

One affiliate that most recently worked well for me: The Lumen Metabolism Tracker and its keyword research was done through SEMrush.





It Helps You Speed Up Your Site

I use the site audit tool to get an idea of improving my website’s speed.