How To Start Blogging On Instagram To Make Extra Money in 2023

Instagram blogs are a type of blog where the author shares their thoughts and experiences through pictures, videos, and other posts.

What Are Instagram Blogs?

Fill out your profile with a bio and photo, then select what kind of posts you’re interested in. Pick from popular categories like Fashion, Beauty, Travel, or whatever you like.

Create An Instagram Profile

Once you have found a niche, start writing one post daily for three months and then assess your progress.

Decide on a Blogging Niche

Write ideas for topics you’d like to write about. Think about what information you want to provide to your reader.

Decide How You Want Your Instagram Blog To Be

Remember that having a regular publishing schedule helps your readers know when they can expect new content from you.

Develop an Instagram Posting Schedule

How To Start Blogging On Instagram To Make Extra Money in 2023