Monetize Your Blog And
Live Your Life on YOUR

We’re Jasmine and Chris of Blogging Money Life, where you learn blogging and make money online. We want to show you how earning money on your blog can help you live your best life.

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FREE CHECKLIST: 150 Influencer Networks With Paid Sponsorships

Did you know that brands want to partner with and pay successful bloggers like you on influencer networks for your blog content? The problem is finding the networks they hang out at. Never fear! This FREE list of 150 influencer networks should point you in the right direction to begin making money with sponsored posts on your blog.

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6 Brand Kit Examples For Your Blog In 2024

6 Best Brand Kit Examples For Your Blog In 2024

Welcome to the world of branding, where every detail is important, especially when crafting a memorable and impactful identity for your blog. In today’s fast-paced digital world, standing out is crucial, and a well-crafted brand kit can be your secret weapon. Let’s explore 6 one-of-a-kind examples of brand kits that can inspire your brand’s visual…

11 Best DSLR Cameras With Wi-Fi In 2024

11 Best DSLR Cameras With Wi-Fi In 2024

DSLR cameras have consistently become popular with hobbyists and professionals in the fast-paced photo-video industry. They are famous for their superior image quality, solid construction, and the ability to manually adjust settings to capture the perfect photograph; DSLRs represent the standards of photographic technology. So, we have some of the best DSLR cameras with Wi-Fi…

The 5 Best Costa Rica Expat Gated Communities

The 5 Best Costa Rica Expat Gated Communities

Costa Rica, a paradise in Central America, is famous not just for its rich rainforests and white sand beaches with blue waters. The good news is that it is also known for its welcoming expat community, located within luxurious gated communities.  These enclaves offer comfort, security, and easy access to the country’s natural wonders. Let’s…

Download our FREE Blog Goal Worksheet

Just starting your blog and have no idea how to get started? We’ve got you covered! This worksheet will help you focus on the most important goals for your blog.


About Us

Hey, ya’ll! We’re Jas and Chris – The creators of Blogging Money Life. We want to share our blogging journey with you and teach you all the monetization tips, from adding affiliate links to your blog posts to Google Adsense so you can be free to do whatever you want.

We also discuss growing your blog and getting the most traffic from Google Search and other search engines, growing your social media channels, and incorporating marketing automation into the mix.

But those aren’t our only blog topics because we also talk about how we moved to Costa Rica from San Antonio, TX, and have been blogging abroad ever since. Do you want to know more about us outside our blog marketing efforts? Read our story below.